742CPCT Thru-Roof Cable Connectors (CU-CU)

742CPCT Thru-Roof Cable Connectors (CU-CU)


Thru-Roof Point Adapters for Copper above roof and Copper below roof. (Side Mount Base below roof).

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Combination connector used for thru-roof air terminal penetration — draws tight to top and bottom of composition or metal roof surfaces. Point adapter nut No. 803 or No. A803 at top along with neoprene washers and cast bronze or aluminum flashing cone No. 100 or No. A100 to provide a moisture seal. Your choice of No. 42A or No. A42A tee connector or No. 55D or No. A55D clamp for bottom end (either fits all main cables through 9/16” diameter). For copper-to-copper connection, all components are copper or bronze except nuts and washers which are stainless steel — for copper-to-aluminum or aluminum-to-aluminum connection, the threaded rod, nuts and washers are stainless steel. Threaded rod 1/2” diameter, standard length 24” — other lengths available upon request.
